
  • Mohamad Shaiful Ashrul lshak School of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Blok B, Kompleks Pusat Pengajian Jejawi I, 02600 Jejawi, Perlis
  • Mohammad Nazri Mohd. Jaafar Department of Aeronautics & Automotive, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor


Air staging, NOx emission, CO emission, liquid fuel burner.


Combustion implicates harmful effect to the environmental due to the emissions produced The release of gaseous emissions such as oxides of nitrogen (NOxJ and carbon monoxide (CO) into the atmosphere create major environment problems. These gaseous emissions affect plants, human being and animals. High concentration of emissions brings f atal effects to life form. Air staging or twostage combustion, is generally described as the introduction of additional/secondary air into the boiler or furnace. Staging the air into the burner (internal air staging) is generally one ofthe design features of low NOx burner. Staged combustion is the technique in which a high temperature, f uel rich primary zone is generated with a sufficient residence time to minimize the total fixed nitrogen that is f ormed in the primary zone. 11,e secondary air mixes downstream of the primary zone to complete the combustion. Staged combustion is an effective method of controlling thermal NOx. A study has been conducted 10 demonstrate the effectiveness ofair staging in reducing emissions f rom combustion process. A
liquid f uel burner system with 280 mm inside diameter combustor of 1000 mm length has been investigated All tests were conducted using commercial diesel as fuel. The study shows that a much lower NOx emissions were obtained fo r the staged combustion when compared to the non-staged combustion. Significant reduction ofmore than 15 percent ofNOx emissions reduction was obtained.


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How to Cite

lshak, M. S. A., & Mohd. Jaafar, M. N. (2018). NOXIOUS EMISSION REDUCTION FROM LIQUID FUEL BURNER VIA AIR STAGING METHOD. Jurnal Mekanikal, 24(2). Retrieved from




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