Vol 48 : June 2025 (Online first)
This issue of Jurnal Mekanikal (Volume 48, No. 1, 2025) will feature abstracts of the latest research in mechanical engineering. Full manuscripts will be published online in June 2025. The abstracts provide an early preview of the upcoming articles, which cover a variety of topics within the field.
Vol 41: December 2018 (Special Issue)
The Special Issue, Volume 41 (December 2018) of the Jurnal Mekanikal contains a selection of 14 contributed papers; three extended papers from the Intelligent Control and Automation Symposium 2018 (ICAS 2018), eight from the Multi-disciplinary Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2018 (McME 2018) that were accepted for oral presentation and three regular papers.
The theme of this special issue is Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineeringâ. Based on the diversified fields of mechanical engineering, this special issue in particular, highlights three articles from the areas of Control and Automation, two each in Advanced Thermofluids, Engineering Design, Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing Technology and one each in Marine, Automotive, and Materials Engineering.
Last but not least, we would like to thank all the authors and those who have contributed to the publication of this special issue.
Editor-in-Chief and on behalf of The Editorial Team Jurnal Mekanikal
School of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru
Johor, Malaysia