
  • Wan Khairuddin Wan Ali Department of Aeronautical Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor
  • Lim Chun Khai Department of Aeronautical Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor


Antenna Positioner, Motion Control, PID, System Optimization


This paper describes the procedures to develop a loll' cost linear z-travers e antenna
positioner. The pos itioner lI'as designed using a PCI-ADC data acquisition card and its
analog to digital controller (ADC). The pla tform of the positioner is moved by dc motor
as an actuator where its movement is sensed and feedback through an absolute contacting
rotary encoder. Sof tware was developed to acquire, analyze and display the data and the
output will be calculated through PID controller embedded in the software. The
controller lI'as uniquely tuned by the aid ofsimulation to suit the application. The whole
system was then tested and calibrated. Based on calibration data, the system was
optimized to produce better accuracy via correction through software compensation. The
whole knowledge on designing a loll' cost positioner both theoretical and pra ctical was


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How to Cite

Wan Ali, W. K., & Chun Khai, L. (2018). DEVELOPMENT OF ANTENNA POSITIONER. Jurnal Mekanikal, 21(1). Retrieved from




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