
  • Mohamad Shaiful Ashrul Ishak Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor
  • Mohammad Nazri Mohd. Jaafar Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor


Combustion, Air Swirler, Swirl Strength, Flame Stabilizing, NOx Emission.


Combustion implicates harmful effect to the environment because of the emissions
produced. The release of gaseous emissions such as oxides ofnitrogen (NOx). and carbon
monoxide (CO) into the atmosphere creates major environmental problems. These gaseous
emissions affect plants. human being and animals. High concentration of emissions brings
fatal effects to life form. A liquid fuel burner system with different radial air swirler vane
angles with 280 mm inside diameter combustor of 1000 mm length has been investigated.
All tests were conducted using diesel as fuel. A radial flow air swirler with curved blades
having 50 mm outlet diameter was inserted at the inlet plane ofthe combustor to produce
swirling flow. Fuel was injected at the back plate of the swirler outlet using central fuel
injector with single fuel nozzle pointing axially outwards. The swirler vane angles and
equivalence ratios were varied. Tests were carried out using eight different air swirlers
having 10˚, 20˚, 30˚, 40˚, 45˚, 50˚,60˚ and 70˚ vane angles. NOx reduction of more than 26 percent was obtained for the swirl number of 1.427 comp ared to 0.046. A turning point occurs at this stage where the emission of NOx suddenly increases about 23 percent when swirl number of 1.911. CO emissions were reduced by 33 percent. 40 percent and 48 percent reduction in carbon monoxide (CO) emission for swirl number of 0.978, 1.427 and

1.9 11 respectively compared to swirl number of 0.046. Meanwhile, CO2 have a stable
distribution of emissions for the whole rang e of equivalence ratios. However, CO2
emission increases when high er vane angle swirlers were used. CO2 emiss ions of about
11.6 percent. 11.7percent and 15.5 pe rcent decrease for swirl number of0.978. 1.427 and
1.911 respectively, compared to swirl number of 0.046 at the equivalence ratio of 0.833.


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How to Cite

Ashrul Ishak, M. S., & Mohd. Jaafar, M. N. (2018). THE EFFECT OF SWIRL NUMBER ON REDUCING EMISSIONS FROM LIQUID FUEL BURNER SYSTEM. Jurnal Mekanikal, 19(1). Retrieved from


