Modularity can be defined as a special form of design that creates high degree of independence between compenants. Modular design emphasizes the identification of independent, standardized, flexible and interchangeable modules. which can be used to produce variants . Efficient utilization of these modules lead to higher quality, faster production time and lower cost. This paper compares two module identification methods namely the quantitative and qualitative approach. For the quantitative approach, an extended triangularization algorithm developed by Kusiak et al. is used and rhe module heuristic method developed by Stone is used as typical representative of the qualitative approach. The defination, advantages and methodologies of each method art elaborated and to illustrate the application of both approaches, a case study on module idenufications of an electric blender is presented. By using the quantitative method. three modules are identified based on assembly interaction while using the qualitative method four modules are identified. As the assembly interaction is the only criterion used in the qualitative method, the modules generated are less logical and less natural in terms of its grouping. The qualitative approach produces modules. which are smaller in parts number but better since it took into account the physicalconstraints of electrical flow, force and operational parameters.
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