
  • Wei Cong Cheng ¹Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia ²Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
  • Luo Hong Kua ¹Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia ²Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
  • Nur Nadzira Afifah Nordin ¹Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia ²Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
  • Muhammad Asyraf Muhammad Rizal ¹Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia ²Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
  • Amir Putra Md Saad ¹Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia ²Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
  • Wan Aliff Abdul Saad ¹Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia ²Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
  • Desmond Daniel Chin Vui Sheng ¹Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia ²Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
  • Muhammad Azfar Noordin ¹Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia ²Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
  • Mohd Haziq Dzulkifli ¹Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia ²Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia



Sisal fibre, Polymer Composites, Structural applications


Sisal fibre is one of lignocellulosic fibre that is widely used as reinforcing material in polymer-based composites. The fibres can be produced from leaf part that traditionally can be used to make twines, ropes, and string. This is due to sisal fibre has high value of tensile strength and Young Modulus besides having ability in high impact strength and low density. Nowadays, sisal fibre can be reinforced with either thermoset or thermoplastic matrix. For thermoplastic composites, it has ability to be recycled due to the thermoplastic materials can be remolded and reshaped. However, lack of study has been established to show the recent progress on mechanical performance of the sisal fibre reinforced polymer composites for structural applications. Hence, this review was expected to analyse the current status, challenge and future perspectives of sisal fibre reinforced polymer composites of structural applications. This review could benefit the manufacturing sector in providing green-based materials without jeopordizing the mechanical performance of the products.


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How to Cite

Cheng, W. C., Kua, L. H., Nordin , N. N. A., Muhammad Rizal, M. A., Md Saad, A. P., Abdul Saad, W. A., … Dzulkifli, M. H. (2024). SISAL FIBRE REINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES FOR STRUCTURAL APPLICATIONS: A BRIEF REVIEW. Jurnal Mekanikal, 47(2), 154–162.


