
  • Hyginus C.O. Unegbu
  • Danjuma Yawas
  • Bashar Dan-asabe



Quality Management Construction projects Cost Management Project performance


The importance of quality and cost management in construction projects cannot be overstated as it significantly influences project outcomes. This research is aimed to examine the degree of quality and cost management implementation, assess its impact on construction project performance, and evaluate the factors that affect its implementation in Nigeria's construction industry. Quantitative research methods were employed, using a questionnaire with 68 variables and 15 constructs, utilizing a five-point Likert scale. Data was collected from 260 respondents, and 242 valid responses were used for analysis, employing Microsoft Excel, SPSS, and LISREL. Reliability and validity tests, including Crombach's alpha, composite reliability, and average variance extracted, were conducted for all constructs, establishing their suitability for further analysis. The exploratory factor analysis in SPSS revealed inadequate implementation of quality and cost management. This finding aligned with the confirmatory factor analysis results, which indicated a significant impact of the factors influencing quality and cost management implementation. The structural equation model (SEM) analysis, used to assess the impact of quality and cost management on construction project performance, demonstrated a high level of impact, with the strongest correlation observed between project cost monitoring and control and construction phase performance. Therefore, urgent measures are needed from industry stakeholders to address the factors hindering the effective implementation of quality and cost management, aiming to enhance project performance.


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