
  • Chew Lai Yen Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor
  • Zair Asrar Ahmad Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor


Guided wave propagation, loaded plate, symmetrical mode, asymmetrical mode, finite element method


During in-situ monitoring, structures are exposed to load changes which may mask the damage-induced signal or produced false alarm unless compensation is performed. Studies on guided wave propagation due to symmetrical load have been done by previous researchers, so this research is concentrated on asymmetrical load applied to an infinite, thin aluminium plate with thickness of 1mm using ABAQUS in two-dimensional mesh. There is no analytical solution for the loaded plate, so dispersion curve provided by semianalytical finite element (SAFE) method is used for verification purpose. Excitation force is set to 100kHz due to effects of load only occurred at low frequency region.Wave propagation speed increases withan increase in strain valuesapplied onplate under extension load. This is due to the increase in the platestiffness. Nevertheless, this condition did not work for plate under bending. Results of ABAQUS in space-time domain are able to provide obvious difference between various load applied on plate but not the 2D FFT curves. Center frequency of excitation force cannot be set lower, which is the limitation of the proposedapproach.


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How to Cite

Lai Yen, C., & Ahmad, Z. A. (2018). GUIDED WAVE PROPAGATION ON LOADED PLATE. Jurnal Mekanikal, 36(2). Retrieved from


