
  • Hyginus C.O. Unegbu Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
  • Yawas D.S. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
  • Dan-asabe B. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria



Communication, Procurement Management, Project Performance, Construction Industry, Nigeria


The construction sector plays a vital role in driving economic growth and development in Nigeria. However, it faces significant challenges, particularly in project performance, which can be attributed, at least in part, to ineffective communication and procurement management. This research aims to evaluate how communication and procurement management impact the outcomes of construction projects in Nigeria. To conduct this study, a quantitative research design was employed, utilizing a survey questionnaire administered to 260 construction professionals. The data collected underwent analysis employing various techniques such as descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analyses (CFA), exploratory factor analyses (EFA), and structural equation model (SEM) utilizing software including the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Microsoft Excel, and LISREL (Linear Structural Relations). The SEM analysis results revealed that 31 out of the 35 hypotheses used in the study were validated. Among these, the strongest relationships observed were those between procurement management and time performance, procurement management and cost performance, time performance and cost performance, time performance and quality performance, and communication management and time performance, in that specific order. This demonstrates the critical role of effective communication and procurement management in achieving successful construction projects in Nigeria. Additionally, the analysis of factors affecting the implementation of procurement and communication management in the Nigerian construction industry highlighted the need for stakeholders to be proactive in developing strategies that facilitate effective implementation of these practices to enhance project performance. The study also emphasizes the importance of establishing effective procurement policies and regulations, embracing technology, building capacity, managing stakeholders, and continuously improving project management practices to elevate project performance in the Nigerian construction industry.


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