
  • Mohammed Rafiq Abdul Kadir Biomechanics & Tissue Engineering Group (Bio-TEG). Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Univcrsiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor
  • Ulrich N. Hanserr Biomechanics Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London.


Hip arthroplasty, cementless stem, fi nite element, muscle loadings primary stability, interface micromotion


The most commonly reported failure modes ofcementless hip stems are loosening
and thigh pain: both are attributed to the relative motion at the bone-implant
interf ace due to fail ure to achie ve sufficient primary fixation. Accurate predictions
of hip stems ' stability are therefore crucial to tire pre-clinical analyses of hip
arthroplasty. This study uses fin ite element technique to analyse the effect of
muscle fo rces a ll the predicted micromotion and therefore stability of cementless
f emoral components. An in-house experimentally validated micromotion algorithm
was used in analyses simulating hl'O of the most common physiological activitieswalking
and stair-climbing. The results showed that models where mus cle loads
were included had ten times larger micromotion than those model/ed without
muscle loads. Ignoring muscle forces in any pre-clinical evaluation offe moral
stems are theref ore not advisable as it will overestimate the stability of the stem.


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