Review of Driving Behavior Towards Fuel Consumption and Road Safety


  • Fatima Haque Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 UTM Johor Bahru Johor
  • Mohd Azman Abas UTM Centre for Low Carbon Transportation (LoCARtic) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 UTM Johor Bahru Johor


Driving behavior, vehicle speed, acceleration, fuel consumption, road safety


One of the main concerns for automobile researchers is establish a driving method that is efficient to the engine and ensures road safety. Most studies categorized driver’s behavior based on aggressiveness while driving. It was found that aggressive drivers tend to provoke fast start and quick acceleration, driving at high engine revolution, and causing sudden speed change that are prone to road accidents. On the other hand, eco-driving which consists of gentle acceleration, coast-down deceleration, maintaining a steady speed and avoidance of high speed is much safer than the aggressive driving. At the same time smooth, experienced pattern in the eco-driving consumes lesser fuel in a statistically significant way. Driver’s aid system in modern cars have been invented to assist the driver into eco-driving were claimed to be effective. However, in the absence or failure of such system, drivers are suggested to drive by maintaining steady speed, avoiding sudden stop and harsh acceleration. Nevertheless, the suggestions varied between one another because there are no certain standards that could be referred to. This paper gathers the findings from available studies and highlights the recommended driving behavior in a passenger car that could be adapted in the effort to simultaneously improve the fuel economy and road safety.


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How to Cite

Haque, F., & Abas, M. A. (2019). Review of Driving Behavior Towards Fuel Consumption and Road Safety. Jurnal Mekanikal, 41(1). Retrieved from




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